İnönü Military Quarter and War Museum - Eskişehir

İnönü Military Quarter and War Museum – Eskişehir

This is the military quarter where Battles of İnönü, one of the turning points in our War of Independence, were dispatched and commanded. During the invasion of Anatolia at the end of the World War 1, Greeks labored under the delusion of seizing the Western Anatolia and Thrace. But here they were stopped and suffered two successive defeats in our lands with the fierce battles commanded by the West Front Commander İsmet İnönü.

There were two reasons Brigadier General İsmet İnönü chose this place as the military quarter. The first one was to establish a strong point against the Greek forces that was attacking on both flanks as well as the bandits of Çerkez Ethem who fired bullets to the Turkish soldiers from another flank. The second reason was to destroy the enemy’s plan of getting to Ankara for they already advanced to Eskişehir.

The building was left to the next generations as “İNÖNÜ WAR MUSEUM” in memory of the Great Commander İsmet İnönü and the 80th anniversary of the Battles of İsmet İnönü as an honorific symbol with the restoration done by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism between 2000 and 2001.

Following are the telegrams sent by the President of Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Western Front Commander İsmet İnönü to each other on the 1st of April in 1921:



Metristepe, April 1, 1921

To the President of Grand National Assembly of Turkey Kemal Pasha

The situation I saw from Metristepe at 18.30 o’clock: In the north of Gündüzbey, a platoon of the enemy which has been holding since morning and has probably a back-up is withdrawing disorderly by the attack of the right flank. The enemy is being watched very closely. In the direction of Hamidiye, there is no contact and operation. Bozöyük is on fire. The enemy left the battlefield, which they filled with their own bodies, to us.”

Western Front Commander




Ankara, April 1, 1921

To the Western Front Commander in the İnönü Battlefield in Metristepe and the Chief of General Staff İsmet Pasha

It is not so often the world history sees a commander as you who have taken a huge responsibility in the İnönü Battlefields. The independence and existence of our nation depended on the courageousness and patriotism of your commanders and fellow soldiers who have been doing their honorable duties under your genius conduct. You did not only beat the ill fortune of the enemy but also that of the nation. The entire nation at the far end, including our lands with unfortunate fate which were in the hands of the invaders, is celebrating your victory. The greed for invasion of the enemy has been broken to pieces in the presence of the escarpments of your determination and patriotism.

While we are celebrating the big war and your victory which made a glorious history and led the entire nation to a gratitude and thankfulness, I would like to say that the cliff that you are on is seeing a future full of high hopes for you and our nation to the degree that it shows an honorable land with thousands of dead bodies of the enemy lie.

GNAT President

Mustafa Kemal


Visiting: Could be visited by making an appointment from the directorate of library by phone: 0 222 591 31 90
(The text is taken from the brochure compiled by Nejat İşcan with the contribution of İnönü Prefecture and İnönü Foundation.)

Heybeliada İsmet İnönü Evi, bayram sebebi ile 30 Mart Pazar, 31 Mart Pazartesi ve 1 Nisan Salı günlerinde kapalı olacaktır.

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