Today in History - 10 June

Today in History – 10 June

The First Gazi Race

A fan of horses and horseback riding, Mustafa Kemal Pasha pioneered the organization of the first horse races on a track of 1,600 meters near Ankara Train Station in the most heated days of the War of Independence in 1920. Despite challenging circumstances, the races continued in the ensuing years and attained a more institutionalized character following the proclamation of the Republic.

The Animal Breeding Act number 904 of 1926 and the High Commission of Race and Breeding established based on this act lent a modern structure to horse racing. Following the establishment of the commission, horse races attained an organized program for the first time in 1927. As of this date, races were held in other cities Bursa, Adana, Samsun, Sivas, and Konya beside İstanbul, Ankara, and İzmir.

Organized in honor of Mustafa Kemal upon the suggestion of the Breeding Commission, the “Gazi Race” was held for the first time on June 10, 1927. The most important aspect of the race was that it was restricted to three year-old British thoroughbreds. Therefore, each horse could only run this race once in its lifetime.

With Mustafa Kemal and İsmet Pasha among the spectators, the first Gazi Race was won by Ali Muhiddin Hacıbekir’s racehorse “Neriman.” Among horse owners that won future Gazi Races were Celal Bayar and İsmet İnönü. Gazi Race continues to be one of the most important and prestigious sporting events in Turkey.


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