Today in History - 14/15 February

Today in History – 14/15 February

Young İsmet enters Artillery School

The Ottoman State’s grave defeat by Russian and Austria in 1787-88 had perpetuated the conviction that reform had to begin first within the army. The Humbaracı Barracks Selim III built at the Golden Horn in 1792 was one of the first products of this attempt. This rapidly developing institution was named Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayun (Imperial School of Military Engineering) in 1793. Training artillery and engineer officers, the school was the startin point of training and exercise with modern practices.

Mustafa İsmet was only 13 years old when he transferred from the sixth grade of Sivas Civil School of Secondary Education to the high school of the Mühendishane on July 21, 1897. Upon completing his secondary school education, he was enrolled in Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayun on February 14, 1901 and graduated as a young lieutenant on September 1, 1903. Next, he was admitted to the War College in Pangalt? and graduated valedictorian in 1906 as staff captain.

It is said that if someone were to make a mistake when calculating in his head, İnönü would quip, “We are graduates of Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayun; we do not err so easily.” It is true, however, that he always remained a man of calculation due to the engineering education he received.


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