Today in History - 19 November

Today in History – 19 November

İstanbul “Radio House” is opened

Currently used as İstanbul Radyoevi (Broadcasting House), the İstanbul “Radio House” in Harbiye went into service on November 19, 1949 to meet the increasing demands of İstanbul Radio, which began its first programmed broadcasting on May 6, 1927.

Following an architectural competition, the collaborative design of Doğan Erginbaş, Ömer Güney and İsmail Utkular was selected and the construction of the new radio hall began in late 1945. The National Anthem of Turkey was the first broadcast from the building completed in four years. Next was the opening address of President İsmet İnönü, which was recorded on vinyl in Ankara. The İstanbul Radio thus attained modern studio facilities.


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