Today in History - 20 May

Today in History – 20 May

The recommendation Mustafa Kemal gave for İsmet Bey

Their brief collaboration before the War of Independence was enough to provide Mustafa Kemal with a positive opinion of İsmet Bey. The recommendation he sent for İsmet Bey to the Caucasian Army Group Commandership on May 20, 1917 stands testimony to that. Mustafa Kemal evaluated the personal and militaristic characteristics of İsmet Bey as follows:

He is serious, active, clear-minded, and highly intelligent. He is in charge of his retinue, the conditions of war, and emotional fluctuations. He has a strong vision and speedily functioning perception. He will not fall a second behind in considering and meeting the needs of the army corps and will succeed in his endeavors. He is able to decide correctly, without hesitation. He has the ability to act bravely with initiative. Great accomplishments can be expected of him in the missions and services he shall undertake for the army and the country. Although important military incidents occurred during my commandership, the power and redeeming qualities he possess have convinced me that he will succeed even in the most crucial circumstances. He has a high sense of morals and conduct, and a laudatory grasp of etiquette.


Heybeliada İsmet İnönü Evi 26 Aralık 2024 – 26 Ocak 2025 tarihleri arasında kapalı olacaktır.

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