Today in History - 24 November

Today in History – 24 November

Mustafa Kemal is given the name “Atatürk”

On November 24, 1934, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey granted the surname “Atatürk” to the Republic’s founder Gazi Mustafa Kemal per law number 2587.

Speaking during the proceedings on the law, Prime Minster ismet Pasha proposed the name “Atatürk” as follows:

Dear friends, we are proposing a law for the surname of our Great Leader and President. We thought that as the Family Law is being enacted, it is the right and debt of the Grand National Assembly to decide on the name the Great Leader will carry. We propose the name “Atatürk” in the law. We believe that in saying the name of our President, the most precious entity of this nation, we will convey our deepest love and respect. We believe that with the name “Atatürk,” the Great Turkish Nation will address its dearest son in the most respectful manner.

In his article entitled, “Atatürk” he published the next day in his newspaper, Hâkimiyeti Milliye editor-in-chief Falih Refik Atay said the following:

He is the greatest Turk. Atatürk is not the surname of the man; Atatürk is the man himself.

This name will fly a like a flag in Turkish history; the past, present, and future of Turkish history rests under his shadow.

There is no Turk without Mustafa Kemal and no Mustafa Kemal without the Turk: the two are merged into one and will continue to live within one another…

May his name be blessed forever.


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