Today in History - 26 November

Today in History – 26 November

İsmet Pasha is given the last name “İnönü”

After the “Surname Law” was enacted on June of 1934, Atatürk had decided on the surnames of many of his close friends based on the attributes of those people. Atatürk gave the last name “İnönü” to his comrade in arms İsmet Pasha on November 26, 1934.

The letter Atatürk sent from the Prime Ministry on this issue read as follows:

As Prime Minister İsmet Pasha is the hero of the Battles of İnönü, which constituted the first honorable and illustrious page on the history of our revolution, I find it suitable and hereby announce that I have conferred the surname İnönü upon him and his family per the Surname Law.


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