Today in History - 8 May

Today in History – 8 May

Prime Minister İsmet İnönü in Paris

Leaving for London to participate in the coronation of King George VI of Britain on may 12, 1937, Prime Minister İsmet İnönü stopped by in Paris on his way to discuss French-Turkish relations. French Prime Minister M. Leon Blum held a luncheon in honor of İnönü, who arrived in Paris on May 8th. After the luncheon, which included French Minister of Foreign Affairs M. Delbos, the two prime ministers met privately for nearly an hour.

Returning to Paris after his visit to London to resume meetings, İnönü was hopeful, as it was reflected in the Turkish press, that these contacts would have a significant impact on the Hatay issue and that the question would soon be resolved by a trilateral agreement between Turkey, France, and Syria.


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